Each November, the Food Bank and Monte Belmonte lead a march against hunger for the 43 miles from Springfield to Greenfield. Monte is joined by Congressman Jim McGovern, Food Bank Executive Director Andrew Morehouse, and a large group of supporters as they raise funds to help provide healthy meals to people experiencing hunger in Western Massachusetts. https://www.foodbankwma.org/events/montes-march/
Monday Nov 24, 2025 Tuesday Nov 25, 2025
Monday November 24th 7am Tuesday November 25th 6am Monday November 24th 7am Tuesday November 25th 6am
Day 1: Leaves the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Springfield, MA at 7am. Day 2: Leaves Congressman McGovern’s Northampton Office at 6am.
No fee to join, we do encourage everyone raise $200
Risley Dudley
Event Coordinator
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